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door DamounMasoudi

He stands still
showing no bustle or twitch
knowing how, knowing when
to bow or to bend
movements precise by the inch
as prayers commence

Do I hear shiver in his voice
as he mutters and howls?
Do I see shaking of his knees
as chains weigh him down?
I hear nothing but
the rustle of ignorance
through this muffled sound

lashed backs
now burn on his
o feel your republic
who put his mark on your skin

O fall to the ground
you whispering snake
look down and pronounce
the chapters you've raped

I can not comprehend
this dark black dress
who cries in his preech
and tries to bleed
while he
just taps his chest

His pale complexion
is rejecting to life
his colorless eyes
betray disgrace
his succession

He's dead
and yes we've cheered
'Be jahannam'
To hell
now let him
be the witness
of which gates he opened here.


feedback van andere lezers

  • ivo
    hoe een volk kan buigen voor mensen die enerzijds als bevrijder en anderzijds als verknechter functioneren ...

    en hoe zijn erfenis door iedereen anders wordt gelezen
  • killea
    Bravo, bravo, Damoun
    DamounMasoudi: thx
  • martine
    DamounMasoudi: bedankt
  • jan
    what a mess he left behind and the horror goes on and on, like always in history civilians suffer the most.
  • dovan
    sterk deze
    en dat dit zich door heen de geschiedenis steeds weer herhaald
    in naam van een geloof dat gelijkheid en vredelievendheid of zoveel zgn goeds predikt

    DamounMasoudi: idd
  • koyaanisqatsi
    De ayatollahs... De Inquisitie van de Islam!

    "The chapters you've raped"
    Deze regel alleen al bevat het hele verhaal!

    DamounMasoudi: thxxx !
  • Liesje
    DamounMasoudi: dank je
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