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Chapter 1.2

door Queen_V

Tonight there are stars shining bright
But there is only lust for contentment on my mind
Who knew hope wouldn't be enough?

This night I'm sad
Not you or he or she
Can make this right
All I want is a chance
A sparkle not there, up high in the sky,
But here, deep down in my heart

I lack of faith and hope, but most of all
I lack of strength for a burst of fire
Right here, Right now
In the centre of it all,
In the grounds of my soul

I close my eyes
A tear falls down my side
But all I can do is recite
So I wipe the tears,
Breathe in, Breathe out
And I write
The story of my life...


feedback van andere lezers

  • doolhoofd
    Het is 'to breathe' met een E achteraan (iplv breath).

    Blijf schrijven.
    Queen_V: just... amai ;) en thanks
  • Annelies
    Sometimes writing gives you the strength to go on and to feel the hope again. Goed bezig! :) x
    Queen_V: indeed! een vna de redenen wrm ik begonnen ben met schrijven ook al durfde ik dat lang niet.. thx
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